




このプログラムは、tensorflowが必要であり、Google colabを使った。Google colabのtensorflowはバージョン2系であり、このプログラムは、バージョン1で作られているので、注意が必要。

from google.colab import drive
import os
#os.chdir('drive/My Drive/DNN_code/lesson_3/3_2_tf_languagemodel/')
os.chdir('/content/drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/studyai/3_2_tf_languagemodel')

次のようにして、tensorflowのバージョンを1系に変更する。 リスタートが求められたら、メニューの「ランタイム」→「ランタイムを再起動する」で再起動する。

%tensorflow_version 1.x


import tensorflow as tf




import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import re
import glob
import collections
import random
import pickle
import time
import datetime
import os

# logging levelを変更

class Corpus:
    def __init__(self):
        self.unknown_word_symbol = "<???>" # 出現回数の少ない単語は未知語として定義しておく
        self.unknown_word_threshold = 3 # 未知語と定義する単語の出現回数の閾値
        self.corpus_file = "./corpus/**/*.txt"
        self.corpus_encoding = "utf-8"
        self.dictionary_filename = "./data_for_predict/word_dict.dic"
        self.chunk_size = 5

        words = []
        for filename in glob.glob(self.corpus_file, recursive=True):
            with open(filename, "r", encoding=self.corpus_encoding) as f:

                # word breaking
                text =
                # 全ての文字を小文字に統一し、改行をスペースに変換
                text = text.lower().replace("\n", " ")
                # 特定の文字以外の文字を空文字に置換する
                text = re.sub(r"[^a-z '\-]", "", text)
                # 複数のスペースはスペース一文字に変換
                text = re.sub(r"[ ]+", " ", text)

                # 前処理: '-' で始まる単語は無視する
                words = [ word for word in text.split() if not word.startswith("-")]

        self.data_n = len(words) - self.chunk_size = self.seq_to_matrix(words)

    def prepare_data(self):
        data_n = ( text データの総単語数 ) - chunk_size
        input: (data_n, chunk_size, vocabulary_size)
        output: (data_n, vocabulary_size)

        # 入力と出力の次元テンソルを準備
        all_input = np.zeros([self.chunk_size, self.vocabulary_size, self.data_n])
        all_output = np.zeros([self.vocabulary_size, self.data_n])

        # 準備したテンソルに、コーパスの one-hot 表現( のデータを埋めていく
        # i 番目から ( i + chunk_size - 1 ) 番目までの単語が1組の入力となる
        # このときの出力は ( i + chunk_size ) 番目の単語
        for i in range(self.data_n):
            all_output[:, i] =[:, i + self.chunk_size] # (i + chunk_size) 番目の単語の one-hot ベクトル
            for j in range(self.chunk_size):
                all_input[j, :, i] =[:, i + self.chunk_size - j - 1]

        # 後に使うデータ形式に合わせるために転置を取る
        all_input = all_input.transpose([2, 0, 1])
        all_output = all_output.transpose()

        # 訓練データ:テストデータを 4 : 1 に分割する
        training_num = ( self.data_n * 4 ) // 5
        return all_input[:training_num], all_output[:training_num], all_input[training_num:], all_output[training_num:]

    def build_dict(self):
        # コーパス全体を見て、単語の出現回数をカウントする
        counter = collections.Counter()
        for filename in glob.glob(self.corpus_file, recursive=True):
            with open(filename, "r", encoding=self.corpus_encoding) as f:

                # word breaking
                text =
                # 全ての文字を小文字に統一し、改行をスペースに変換
                text = text.lower().replace("\n", " ")
                # 特定の文字以外の文字を空文字に置換する
                text = re.sub(r"[^a-z '\-]", "", text)
                # 複数のスペースはスペース一文字に変換
                text = re.sub(r"[ ]+", " ", text)

                # 前処理: '-' で始まる単語は無視する
                words = [word for word in text.split() if not word.startswith("-")]


        # 出現頻度の低い単語を一つの記号にまとめる
        word_id = 0
        dictionary = {}
        for word, count in counter.items():
            if count <= self.unknown_word_threshold:

            dictionary[word] = word_id
            word_id += 1
        dictionary[self.unknown_word_symbol] = word_id

        print("総単語数:", len(dictionary))

        # 辞書を pickle を使って保存しておく
        with open(self.dictionary_filename, "wb") as f:
            pickle.dump(dictionary, f)
            print("Dictionary is saved to", self.dictionary_filename)

        self.dictionary = dictionary


    def load_dict(self):
        with open(self.dictionary_filename, "rb") as f:
            self.dictionary = pickle.load(f)
            self.vocabulary_size = len(self.dictionary)
            self.input_layer_size = len(self.dictionary)
            self.output_layer_size = len(self.dictionary)
            print("総単語数: ", self.input_layer_size)

    def get_word_id(self, word):
        # print(word)
        # print(self.dictionary)
        # print(self.unknown_word_symbol)
        # print(self.dictionary[self.unknown_word_symbol])
        # print(self.dictionary.get(word, self.dictionary[self.unknown_word_symbol]))
        return self.dictionary.get(word, self.dictionary[self.unknown_word_symbol])

    # 入力された単語を one-hot ベクトルにする
    def to_one_hot(self, word):
        index = self.get_word_id(word)
        data = np.zeros(self.vocabulary_size)
        data[index] = 1
        return data

    def seq_to_matrix(self, seq):
        data = np.array([self.to_one_hot(word) for word in seq]) # (data_n, vocabulary_size)
        return data.transpose() # (vocabulary_size, data_n)

class Language:
    input layer: self.vocabulary_size
    hidden layer: rnn_size = 30
    output layer: self.vocabulary_size

    def __init__(self):
        self.corpus = Corpus()
        self.dictionary = self.corpus.dictionary
        self.vocabulary_size = len(self.dictionary) # 単語数
        self.input_layer_size = self.vocabulary_size # 入力層の数
        self.hidden_layer_size = 30 # 隠れ層の RNN ユニットの数
        self.output_layer_size = self.vocabulary_size # 出力層の数
        self.batch_size = 128 # バッチサイズ
        self.chunk_size = 5 # 展開するシーケンスの数。c_0, c_1, ..., c_(chunk_size - 1) を入力し、c_(chunk_size) 番目の単語の確率が出力される。
        self.learning_rate = 0.005 # 学習率
        self.epochs = 1000 # 学習するエポック数
        self.forget_bias = 1.0 # LSTM における忘却ゲートのバイアス
        self.model_filename = "./data_for_predict/predict_model.ckpt"
        self.unknown_word_symbol = self.corpus.unknown_word_symbol

    def inference(self, input_data, initial_state):
        :param input_data: (batch_size, chunk_size, vocabulary_size) 次元のテンソル
        :param initial_state: (batch_size, hidden_layer_size) 次元の行列
        # 重みとバイアスの初期化
        hidden_w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([self.input_layer_size, self.hidden_layer_size], stddev=0.01))
        hidden_b = tf.Variable(tf.ones([self.hidden_layer_size]))
        output_w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([self.hidden_layer_size, self.output_layer_size], stddev=0.01))
        output_b = tf.Variable(tf.ones([self.output_layer_size]))

        # BasicLSTMCell, BasicRNNCell は (batch_size, hidden_layer_size) が chunk_size 数ぶんつながったリストを入力とする。
        # 現時点での入力データは (batch_size, chunk_size, input_layer_size) という3次元のテンソルなので
        # tf.transpose や tf.reshape などを駆使してテンソルのサイズを調整する。

        input_data = tf.transpose(input_data, [1, 0, 2]) # 転置。(chunk_size, batch_size, vocabulary_size)
        input_data = tf.reshape(input_data, [-1, self.input_layer_size]) # 変形。(chunk_size * batch_size, input_layer_size)
        input_data = tf.matmul(input_data, hidden_w) + hidden_b # 重みWとバイアスBを適用。 (chunk_size, batch_size, hidden_layer_size)
        input_data = tf.split(input_data, self.chunk_size, 0) # リストに分割。chunk_size * (batch_size, hidden_layer_size)

        # RNN のセルを定義する。RNN Cell の他に LSTM のセルや GRU のセルなどが利用できる。
        cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicRNNCell(self.hidden_layer_size)
        outputs, states = tf.nn.static_rnn(cell, input_data, initial_state=initial_state)
        # 最後に隠れ層から出力層につながる重みとバイアスを処理する
        # 最終的に softmax 関数で処理し、確率として解釈される。
        # softmax 関数はこの関数の外で定義する。
        output = tf.matmul(outputs[-1], output_w) + output_b

        return output

    def loss(self, logits, labels):
        cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=labels))

        return cost

    def training(self, cost):
        # 今回は最適化手法として Adam を選択する。
        # ここの AdamOptimizer の部分を変えることで、Adagrad, Adadelta などの他の最適化手法を選択することができる
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate).minimize(cost)

        return optimizer

    def train(self):
        # 変数などの用意
        input_data = tf.placeholder("float", [None, self.chunk_size, self.input_layer_size])
        actual_labels = tf.placeholder("float", [None, self.output_layer_size])
        initial_state = tf.placeholder("float", [None, self.hidden_layer_size])

        prediction = self.inference(input_data, initial_state)
        cost = self.loss(prediction, actual_labels)
        optimizer =
        correct = tf.equal(tf.argmax(prediction, 1), tf.argmax(actual_labels, 1))
        accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, tf.float32))

        # TensorBoard で可視化するため、クロスエントロピーをサマリーに追加
        tf.summary.scalar("Cross entropy: ", cost)
        summary = tf.summary.merge_all()

        # 訓練・テストデータの用意
        # corpus = Corpus()
        trX, trY, teX, teY = self.corpus.prepare_data()
        training_num = trX.shape[0]

        # ログを保存するためのディレクトリ
        timestamp = time.time()
        dirname = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

        # ここから実際に学習を走らせる
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter("./log/" + dirname, sess.graph)

            # エポックを回す
            for epoch in range(self.epochs):
                step = 0
                epoch_loss = 0
                epoch_acc = 0

                # 訓練データをバッチサイズごとに分けて学習させる (= optimizer を走らせる)
                # エポックごとの損失関数の合計値や(訓練データに対する)精度も計算しておく
                while (step + 1) * self.batch_size < training_num:
                    start_idx = step * self.batch_size
                    end_idx = (step + 1) * self.batch_size

                    batch_xs = trX[start_idx:end_idx, :, :]
                    batch_ys = trY[start_idx:end_idx, :]

                    _, c, a =[optimizer, cost, accuracy],
                                       feed_dict={input_data: batch_xs,
                                                  actual_labels: batch_ys,
                                                  initial_state: np.zeros([self.batch_size, self.hidden_layer_size])
                    epoch_loss += c
                    epoch_acc += a
                    step += 1

                # コンソールに損失関数の値や精度を出力しておく
                print("Epoch", epoch, "completed ouf of", self.epochs, "-- loss:", epoch_loss, " -- accuracy:",
                      epoch_acc / step)

                # Epochが終わるごとにTensorBoard用に値を保存
                summary_str =, feed_dict={input_data: trX,
                                                           actual_labels: trY,
                                                           initial_state: np.zeros(
                summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, epoch)

            # 学習したモデルも保存しておく
            saver = tf.train.Saver()
  , self.model_filename)

            # 最後にテストデータでの精度を計算して表示する
            a =, feed_dict={input_data: teX, actual_labels: teY,
                                              initial_state: np.zeros([teX.shape[0], self.hidden_layer_size])})
            print("Accuracy on test:", a)

    def predict(self, seq):
        :param seq: 予測したい単語の直前の文字列。chunk_size 以上の単語数が必要。

        # 最初に復元したい変数をすべて定義してしまいます
        input_data = tf.placeholder("float", [None, self.chunk_size, self.input_layer_size])
        initial_state = tf.placeholder("float", [None, self.hidden_layer_size])
        prediction = tf.nn.softmax(self.inference(input_data, initial_state))
        predicted_labels = tf.argmax(prediction, 1)

        # 入力データの作成
        # seq を one-hot 表現に変換する。
        words = [word for word in seq.split() if not word.startswith("-")]
        x = np.zeros([1, self.chunk_size, self.input_layer_size])
        for i in range(self.chunk_size):
            word = seq[len(words) - self.chunk_size + i]
            index = self.dictionary.get(word, self.dictionary[self.unknown_word_symbol])
            x[0][i][index] = 1
        feed_dict = {
            input_data: x, # (1, chunk_size, vocabulary_size)
            initial_state: np.zeros([1, self.hidden_layer_size])

        # tf.Session()を用意
        with tf.Session() as sess:
            # 保存したモデルをロードする。ロード前にすべての変数を用意しておく必要がある。
            saver = tf.train.Saver()
            saver.restore(sess, self.model_filename)

            # ロードしたモデルを使って予測結果を計算
            u, v =[prediction, predicted_labels], feed_dict=feed_dict)

            keys = list(self.dictionary.keys())

            # コンソールに文字ごとの確率を表示
            for i in range(self.vocabulary_size):
                c = self.unknown_word_symbol if i == (self.vocabulary_size - 1) else keys[i]
                print(c, ":", u[0][i])

            print("Prediction:", seq + " " + ("<???>" if v[0] == (self.vocabulary_size - 1) else keys[v[0]]))

        return u[0]

def build_dict():
    cp = Corpus()

if __name__ == "__main__":

    ln = Language()

    # 学習するときに呼び出す

    # 保存したモデルを使って単語の予測をする
    ln.predict("some of them looks like")


ストリーミング出力は最後の 5000 行に切り捨てられました。
beating : 1.3192087e-14
authentic : 1.4901876e-14
glow : 1.5293808e-14
oy : 1.4680279e-14
emotion : 1.498376e-14
delight : 1.4004225e-14
nuclear : 1.4860068e-14
dropped : 1.4963283e-14
hiroshima : 1.3928438e-14
beings : 1.5822596e-14
tens : 1.5364829e-14
burned : 1.3809718e-14
homeless : 1.5643804e-14
albert : 1.447892e-14
initiated : 1.3293448e-14
bomb : 1.356971e-14
theoretical : 1.457718e-14
radio : 1.4376221e-14
traditionally : 1.3563397e-14
oi : 1.57665e-14
souls : 1.4353673e-14
assigned : 1.4012374e-14
gallery : 1.575054e-14
easily : 1.5530207e-14
coins : 1.4903695e-14
timeless : 1.4624188e-14
inevitably : 1.4411967e-14
trips : 1.6643313e-14
expressions : 1.5180204e-14
raw : 1.2960687e-14
idioms : 1.2821107e-14
magic : 1.40770405e-14
handed : 1.33516635e-14
blonde : 1.2911735e-14
diamond : 1.4749856e-14
charity : 1.5063651e-14
ball : 1.5066438e-14
lipschitz : 1.3815091e-14
stone : 1.3465779e-14
sighed : 1.3959822e-14
feminist : 1.7686968e-14
britain : 1.3061792e-14
movement : 1.476897e-14
largely : 1.40082326e-14
cruise : 1.3874242e-14
missiles : 1.5027064e-14
village : 1.4716864e-14
elsewhere : 2.7652168e-15
ignorant : 1.4561284e-14
jacket : 1.4211227e-14
centre : 1.427959e-14
studies : 1.1551857e-11
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consists : 1.5735616e-14
rewriting : 1.5363599e-14
dawn : 1.621525e-14
demonstrating : 1.3151437e-14
themes : 1.5186896e-14
advancement : 1.6285298e-14
agriculture : 1.494252e-14
despite : 1.4373097e-14
stupidity : 1.4589892e-14
domination : 1.6060978e-14
superiority : 1.5718279e-14
primitive : 1.3121445e-14
religions : 1.4678093e-14
egyptian : 1.3918851e-14
rulers : 1.3896278e-14
thesis : 1.4377593e-14
counting : 1.4958775e-14
track : 1.6071396e-14
accepts : 1.4374193e-14
speculation : 1.4989878e-14
laborers : 1.427812e-14
greek : 1.3171193e-14
historian : 1.4486655e-14
labour : 1.3591832e-14
blows : 1.4370519e-14
modern : 1.41012275e-14
researcher : 1.2356823e-14
commanded : 1.4580488e-14
sum : 1.4188261e-14
sixth : 2.496606e-20
bc : 1.3925889e-14
pan : 1.3654453e-14
flourished : 1.3517735e-14
welfare : 1.4175007e-14
roman : 1.5056241e-14
nurse : 1.486021e-14
fourth : 1.4023979e-14
cultures : 1.3483333e-14
instrument : 1.4368547e-14
blood : 1.6514205e-10
bones : 1.596212e-14
preferred : 1.4236376e-14
wild : 1.2597512e-14
destiny : 1.5494437e-14
paul : 1.36483605e-14
seller : 1.3574474e-14
purple : 1.3854013e-14
ibid : 1.6552928e-14
array : 1.5294362e-14
brilliant : 1.305081e-14
unusual : 1.3509384e-14
inspiring : 1.4097892e-14
preceding : 1.39435896e-14
taste : 1.4553288e-14
stroke : 1.5297805e-14
grim : 1.6048178e-14
clothing : 1.442063e-14
campbell : 1.3260021e-14
analyses : 5.238098e-08
emerging : 1.570036e-14
islamic : 1.5424434e-14
connected : 1.4090634e-14
virgin : 1.3111813e-14
ancient : 1.6127468e-14
treatment : 8.3587763e-16
notably : 1.5323036e-14
etc : 1.4732198e-14
unlikely : 1.4600109e-14
ignored : 1.555603e-14
gods : 1.4307506e-14
identity : 1.452927e-14
meaningful : 1.467717e-14
roots : 1.2780332e-14
wildly : 1.3738993e-14
disease : 1.1581977e-14
investigate : 1.3616508e-14
cure : 1.4511628e-14
blasts : 1.4174952e-14
symptoms : 1.2739835e-14
characterized : 3.2966898e-16
concludes : 1.4210848e-14
engage : 1.5029012e-14
laurence : 1.3182906e-14
urdang : 1.4539886e-14
archaeology : 1.4421041e-14
fragile : 1.4087946e-14
turns : 1.5579189e-14
earliest : 1.5505079e-14
stages : 1.5241885e-14
destroyed : 1.4299595e-14
countless : 1.3952103e-14
generations : 1.3425337e-14
erosion : 1.2757731e-14
prehistoric : 1.3872232e-14
developers : 1.4215808e-14
fashionable : 1.5361488e-14
discover : 1.39421005e-14
greeks : 1.4001742e-14
romans : 1.449246e-14
indians : 1.3721027e-14
ruins : 1.4019752e-14
followed : 8.133046e-13
troy : 1.507722e-14
artifacts : 1.4787572e-14
dating : 1.34629805e-14
pursuit : 1.26823744e-14
museums : 1.3607447e-14
classical : 1.5186865e-14
documented : 1.5514603e-14
tablets : 1.4237272e-14
barely : 1.3549951e-14
identify : 1.3935667e-14
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linguists : 1.4611418e-14
germany : 1.2804048e-14
ancestors : 1.3964883e-14
jean : 1.4194216e-14
myriad : 1.3865301e-14
revealed : 1.5216064e-14
crete : 1.47619e-14
indo-european : 1.3000425e-14
linguistic : 1.3608174e-14
undoubtedly : 1.4672916e-14
vanished : 1.4893978e-14
unimportant : 1.5161512e-14
establish : 1.2562193e-14
dialect : 1.3347387e-14
examining : 3.0328866e-15
swedish : 1.4965793e-14
dutch : 1.3145619e-14
spanish : 1.2700384e-14
portuguese : 1.4012187e-14
remote : 1.4128149e-14
varieties : 1.4087785e-14
resort : 1.4761113e-14
fingers : 1.5387e-14
toes : 1.5219053e-14
shifts : 1.5819668e-14
nearby : 1.407194e-14
hence : 1.4019299e-14
classified : 2.0795115e-14
finnish : 1.5051159e-14
computers : 1.4321157e-14
emerged : 1.4656245e-14
linked : 1.4465312e-14
showing : 1.533593e-14
constantly : 1.4578015e-14
accuracy : 1.478794e-14
trees : 1.5207997e-14
classification : 1.3247735e-14
grammar : 1.3984713e-14
resemble : 1.482437e-14
suitable : 1.4846385e-14
soft : 1.3807189e-14
organize : 1.3420242e-14
alongside : 1.4088886e-14
correlated : 1.4005375e-14
digging : 1.2600684e-14
disappeared : 1.2701106e-15
sites : 1.34668845e-14
dim : 1.4110805e-14
tearing : 1.3169786e-14
erected : 1.3893415e-14
archaeological : 1.4807301e-14
examines : 1.3327214e-14
significance : 1.3340438e-14
interfere : 1.4402404e-14
finds : 1.5591139e-14
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van : 1.4210089e-14
calif : 1.2855485e-14
mobile : 1.4473067e-14
one-time : 1.4842535e-14
eliminate : 1.4702359e-14
losses : 1.48285e-14
examined : 3.9792444e-20
regulators : 1.4672469e-14
midwest : 1.5346172e-14
announced : 1.476145e-14
managers : 1.5349247e-14
cxf : 1.4524697e-14
francisco : 1.3225619e-14
chronicle : 1.2429415e-14
editors : 1.2329796e-14
fruits : 1.4141791e-14
vegetables : 1.5124946e-14
herbs : 1.4880715e-14
bitter : 1.5170045e-14
melon : 1.4002356e-14
indian : 1.3394594e-14
skin : 1.4346612e-14
climbing : 1.5331806e-14
asia : 1.626298e-14
americas : 1.4154365e-14
warm : 1.3178431e-14
california's : 1.5130948e-14
asian : 1.5407704e-14
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orange : 1.5198224e-14
fresh : 1.4021571e-14
prominently : 1.4234938e-14
flesh : 1.5529704e-14
dry : 1.39781e-14
pork : 1.4236838e-14
vietnam : 1.4224678e-14
stuffed : 1.6262267e-14
meat : 1.4306143e-14
lightly : 1.4322878e-14
mixture : 1.5287364e-14
rice : 1.4563785e-14
nyt--- : 1.5193269e-14
edt : 1.4608633e-14
rep : 1.5051906e-14
korea : 1.3758398e-14
stemming : 1.4705529e-14
recover : 1.500687e-14
devastation : 1.436208e-14
infrastructure : 1.4185689e-14
richardson : 1.4192537e-14
cox : 1.4074947e-14
heritage : 1.3233896e-14
swap : 1.4089827e-14
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dividend : 1.52176e-14
customized : 1.4227446e-14
operates : 1.4549902e-14
karen : 1.3821102e-14
ala : 1.5214496e-14
vanderbilt : 1.3129556e-14
bobby : 1.3008759e-14
sec : 1.3859484e-14
gray : 1.2630063e-14
tour : 1.3760339e-14
martin : 1.4743245e-14
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opens : 1.4863555e-14
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crimson : 1.3575199e-14
mirror : 1.4432433e-14
coach : 1.6036854e-14
cutcliffe : 1.4736246e-14
peyton : 1.3831413e-14
rhythm : 1.3632802e-14
clone : 1.5143882e-14
pounds : 4.0270432e-08
rex : 1.5309248e-14
trophy : 1.2551366e-14
promotional : 1.5534e-14
embarrassing : 1.473481e-14
calendar : 1.4687502e-14
miami : 1.5146135e-14
ron : 1.3577167e-14
exasperation : 1.33946944e-14
excited : 1.4724894e-14
atlanta : 1.4595264e-14
nov : 1.3350059e-14
dunkin' : 1.5144344e-14
poison : 1.491473e-14
pill : 1.4049896e-14
launched : 1.3874561e-14
delaware : 1.3536518e-14
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bids : 1.511889e-14
julia : 1.401462e-14
legend : 1.4170087e-14
laugh : 1.431586e-14
culinary : 1.47619e-14
chef : 1.3783744e-14
cooks : 1.4638755e-14
decade : 1.368415e-14
birthday : 1.6669046e-14
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professionals : 1.5705751e-14
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aug : 1.5080785e-14
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pasadena : 1.4640095e-14
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assisted : 1.36239126e-14
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legs : 1.442338e-14
ship's : 1.431231e-14
cambridge : 1.3372078e-14
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recalls : 1.522277e-14
preserving : 1.350619e-14
awesome : 1.2640451e-14
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professional : 1.4318672e-14
boat : 1.5623497e-14
lit : 1.4724894e-14
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revolution : 1.3456691e-14
chefs : 1.4726467e-14
celebrate : 1.5093016e-14
laurent : 1.4151585e-14
counterpart : 1.4704575e-14
siegel : 1.4526222e-14
heads : 1.5040139e-14
meal : 1.368877e-14
chocolate : 1.3812826e-14
dessert : 1.3373047e-14
menu : 1.5972688e-14
composed : 1.5679291e-14
atlantic : 1.373383e-14
sonoma : 1.2418989e-14
breast : 1.4528772e-14
la : 1.4525168e-14
trends : 1.39665865e-14
subscribed : 1.5389113e-14
cuisine : 1.5020157e-14
organic : 1.3672436e-14
fitness : 1.372579e-14
modest : 1.2958092e-14
kim : 1.4056703e-14
alice : 1.5245258e-14
turkey : 1.30399104e-14
denise : 1.5060002e-14
fascinating : 1.5657894e-14
harry : 1.4950445e-14
nightclub : 1.461822e-14
honesty : 1.5895464e-14
bleeding : 1.2463388e-14
syndicate : 1.5364066e-14
fax : 1.5053053e-14
optional : 1.3989035e-14
trim : 1.5108855e-14
michelle : 1.31152405e-14
cole : 1.23710915e-14
retailers : 1.5022307e-14
resource : 1.4624078e-14
fisheries : 1.4631415e-14
species : 1.3906459e-14
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marine : 1.4679186e-14
ecosystem : 1.367374e-14
consumer : 1.519666e-14
chilean : 1.2756782e-14
seabass : 1.39052385e-14
portland : 1.5782628e-14
restaurants : 1.456284e-14
fish : 1.3054445e-14
pirate : 1.6370443e-14
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endangered : 1.4357534e-14
slowly : 1.3993144e-14
susan : 1.3597952e-14
estimates : 1.532593e-14
tons : 1.4733181e-14
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officially : 1.5156626e-14
lobster : 1.4108491e-14
discontinued : 1.418799e-14
buyer : 1.4013017e-14
shark : 1.4774323e-14
formal : 1.3407833e-14
institute : 1.501608e-19
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depleted : 1.5471462e-14
thrilled : 1.358556e-14
cycles : 1.3065504e-14
sacrifice : 1.5019527e-14
coastal : 1.2362221e-14
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projects : 1.4456457e-14
overfishing : 1.5880645e-14
raising : 1.5181073e-14
awareness : 1.6431695e-14
web : 1.615493e-14
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aquarium : 1.361934e-14
wallet : 1.439702e-14
guides : 1.467745e-14
jennifer : 1.449738e-14
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uncertain : 1.4325802e-14
informs : 1.5116697e-14
conscience : 1.5735196e-14
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export : 1.5054059e-14
insisted : 1.4268863e-14
flow : 1.5609826e-14
urgent : 1.439241e-14
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olympic : 1.5696437e-14
judging : 1.4506591e-14
eds : 1.4202909e-14
pairs : 1.4625806e-14
skating : 1.5064227e-14
dancing : 1.3853168e-14
olympics : 1.471765e-14
tokhtakhounov : 1.3762282e-14
forte : 1.5996348e-14
rigging : 1.350212e-14
visa : 1.4613285e-14
alleged : 1.5003979e-14
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medal : 1.4690753e-14
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jamie : 1.4767674e-14
anissina : 1.5687489e-14
suspended : 1.4400538e-14
canadian : 1.4673643e-14
convicted : 1.4994596e-14
wire : 1.3744077e-14
fraud : 1.489983e-14
faces : 1.4321594e-14
fbi : 1.6483363e-14
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tokhtakhounov's : 1.4055845e-14
activities : 1.0199555e-07
explicit : 1.5062416e-14
gougne : 1.4359121e-14
gailhaguet : 1.38982386e-14
comey : 1.4077605e-14
maxwell : 1.6834553e-14
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target : 1.5113929e-14
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implicated : 1.3537242e-14
smuggling : 1.447975e-14
plot : 6.586576e-14
sports : 1.4837468e-14
rome : 1.33041525e-14
traces : 1.3477419e-14
hockey : 1.4253303e-14
descriptions : 1.4873026e-14
renewing : 1.4962627e-14
excerpts : 1.511315e-14
mobster : 1.5315001e-14
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lining : 1.3427437e-14
achieved : 1.5596077e-14
apologized : 1.4065205e-14
agency : 1.3079766e-14
infiltrated : 1.3168179e-14
stunned : 1.39165955e-14
howard : 1.4838428e-14
league : 1.3795475e-14
ward : 1.6998882e-14
competitors : 1.4023818e-14
rogers : 1.2987438e-14
conversion : 1.3789399e-14
mailing : 1.5325257e-14
shareholder : 1.3609627e-14
hotels : 1.4707296e-14
merchant : 1.4207487e-14
journalists : 1.5164461e-14
traffickers : 1.3253296e-14
guerrillas : 1.38009755e-14
colombia : 1.4550068e-14
colombian : 1.4688148e-14
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assembly : 1.4114573e-14
el : 1.3557991e-14
claimed : 1.27634745e-14
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regarded : 1.3371798e-14
cuba : 1.3667248e-14
cuban : 1.6942302e-14
castro : 1.4422281e-14
agent : 1.5492722e-14
ortega : 1.207827e-14
seize : 1.378761e-14
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jose : 1.31836596e-14
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peru : 1.3273129e-14
civilians : 1.4007832e-14
austin : 1.3746278e-14
ibm : 1.424265e-14
semiconductor : 1.5050642e-14
factory : 1.429583e-14
costly : 1.4174142e-14
heavily : 1.5927907e-14
cell : 1.2953521e-14
phones : 1.5020845e-14
ibm's : 1.4684563e-14
kelly : 1.291336e-14
innovations : 1.5894795e-14
pataki : 1.3374119e-14
suppliers : 1.4685767e-14
innovate : 1.5969246e-14
storage : 1.487802e-14
analysts : 1.2807126e-14
automated : 1.3450506e-14
diversity : 1.401045e-14
custom : 1.40793495e-14
enclosed : 1.34473765e-14
stainless : 1.4494782e-14
steel : 1.2295157e-14
glass : 1.3089674e-14
etched : 1.5170768e-14
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operators : 1.4424507e-14
monitor : 1.3500009e-14
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shoe : 1.3865856e-14
truck : 1.3414075e-14
chassis : 1.536688e-14
contractor : 1.5398275e-14
motor : 1.3879669e-14
angels : 1.4381488e-14
depth : 1.530364e-14
outfielder : 1.1942678e-14
alex : 1.532897e-14
ochoa : 1.5364009e-14
fabregas : 1.3274268e-14
major-league : 1.4522565e-14
roster : 1.5046565e-14
deemed : 1.3291167e-14
hitting : 1.4522952e-14
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defender : 1.427948e-14
bat : 1.29903616e-14
molina : 1.4796376e-14
triple-a : 1.3403027e-14
injured : 1.5280717e-14
bengie : 1.4964595e-14
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nl : 1.3595021e-14
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md : 1.518959e-14
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electronics : 1.4142653e-14
transmitted : 1.4762351e-14
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secrets : 1.3320048e-14
sensitive : 1.493853e-14
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via : 1.621024e-14
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dubai : 1.4884492e-14
prince : 1.5382247e-14
sheikh : 1.4151207e-14
website : 1.4103432e-14
technological : 1.4955949e-14
headquarters : 1.4478314e-14
machinery : 1.4020663e-14
situated : 1.4550845e-14
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ear : 1.4822477e-14
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bases : 1.37166305e-14
commanding : 1.3358263e-14
resist : 1.29709755e-14
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tibbets : 1.5539719e-14
pilot : 1.4571064e-14
atomic : 1.3577633e-14
professor : 1.37502916e-14
suburban : 1.515018e-14
civilian : 1.4414414e-14
engineering : 1.4655127e-14
hated : 1.438961e-14
breeze : 1.41701675e-14
bombs : 1.3190703e-14
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island : 1.5463849e-14
tinian : 1.3735796e-14
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doctorate : 1.5183767e-14
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enterprise : 1.3577892e-14
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crews : 1.5711684e-14
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decorated : 1.34226745e-14
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flew : 1.6574632e-14
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seattle : 1.6271171e-14
navy : 1.3811851e-14
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beach : 1.4039555e-14
distributor : 1.4412408e-14
stolen : 1.5171058e-14
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crew : 1.4004145e-14
enola : 1.5404355e-14
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gen : 1.4522177e-14
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pills : 1.2028657e-14
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apa : 1.5367876e-14
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psychology : 1.482765e-14
psychologist : 1.6281076e-14
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years' : 1.4577959e-14
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peculiar : 1.363353e-14
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photograph : 1.5185127e-14
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sotheby's : 1.5350299e-14
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photography : 1.5131754e-14
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charities : 1.4743217e-14
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pillow : 1.4341823e-14
ratners's : 1.32792565e-14
oct : 1.4847234e-14
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publishing : 1.25320625e-14
interim : 1.31913565e-14
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e-commerce : 1.4687392e-14
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meridian : 1.4883528e-14
mcalpine : 1.3906088e-14
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enters : 1.4648085e-14
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torricelli's : 1.5128234e-14
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oregon : 1.4029196e-14
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korean : 1.4912313e-14
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indonesia : 1.379487e-14
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ant : 1.3609161e-14
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os : 1.537462e-14
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device : 1.3897178e-14
stumbled : 1.335974e-14
greeting : 1.5297513e-14
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crowds : 1.30007225e-14
crossed : 1.5001175e-14
hammer : 1.3578333e-14
pope : 1.3971783e-14
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pneo : 1.3758609e-14
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pen : 1.4914502e-14
pmistical : 1.5123965e-14
diallo : 1.5336165e-14
therock : 1.5635988e-14
codp : 1.4006629e-14
rathman : 1.3723279e-14
hendrix : 1.6021813e-14
mickey : 1.4338431e-14
bliptv : 1.4272346e-14
li : 1.5752583e-14
hing : 1.5132621e-14
swam : 1.4980645e-14
ft : 1.3288327e-14
kgcubs : 1.39282e-14
crossing : 1.6182068e-14
bucket : 1.4428966e-14
cod : 1.5447782e-14
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angel : 1.3030538e-14
ds : 1.2735412e-14
jerusalems : 1.3739674e-14
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resembles : 1.470435e-14
davids : 1.5773478e-14
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solomon : 1.4022802e-14
palace : 1.3529756e-14
mansions : 1.4773788e-14
towers : 1.6953163e-14
cruelty : 1.3834605e-14
alexander : 1.4021839e-14
hellenistic : 1.2821497e-14
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galilee : 1.4399301e-14
gate : 1.429267e-14
herod : 1.5586709e-14
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fortress : 1.4768463e-14
jesuss : 1.4753007e-14
crucifixion : 1.431556e-14
emperor : 1.3286503e-14
aphrodite : 1.4336517e-14
demolished : 1.592411e-14
byzantine : 1.331583e-14
ascended : 1.3529007e-14
glimpse : 1.445905e-14
ruined : 1.4680585e-14
dome : 1.5079548e-14
monument : 1.3951545e-14
crusaders : 1.3879377e-14
turks : 1.3296593e-14
impressive : 1.5100905e-14
toll : 1.4913762e-14
turkish : 1.4943718e-14
ottomans : 1.2788087e-14
magnificent : 1.3787188e-14
enclave : 1.3642583e-14
tug : 1.5435442e-14
aegean : 1.33294255e-14
seas : 1.4826067e-14
mediterranean : 1.494691e-14
surroundings : 1.36436755e-14
routines : 1.4125319e-14
cyclades : 1.539378e-14
marble : 1.4855279e-14
souvenirs : 1.38188606e-14
metals : 1.3986474e-14
athens : 1.34317665e-14
drowning : 1.502821e-14
mainland : 1.506684e-14
epic : 1.3981139e-14
migration : 1.562007e-14
athletic : 1.4664017e-14
chios : 1.610423e-14
delos : 1.2657797e-14
samos : 1.3908369e-14
sights : 1.4785543e-14
clan : 1.3011836e-14
dodecanese : 1.5027064e-14
converted : 1.5895796e-14
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venetian : 1.2899182e-14
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occupied : 1.5591556e-14
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glaciers : 1.4778579e-14
anasazi : 1.4793356e-14
shelters : 1.4088376e-14
year-round : 1.5533554e-14
parked : 1.3660184e-14
arriving : 1.5234968e-14
nevada : 1.530443e-14
gass : 1.28524205e-14
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hectares : 1.4699723e-14
ranch : 1.3685585e-14
crops : 1.390614e-14
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burgeoning : 1.4521513e-14
clark : 1.3451584e-14
threatened : 1.563921e-14
mead : 1.4441439e-14
valleys : 1.4947423e-14
rat : 1.3609991e-14
flamingo : 1.4112796e-14
dean : 1.4930299e-14
sands : 1.3592403e-14
legendary : 1.36749395e-14
partying : 1.4139308e-14
hughes : 1.40995055e-14
dunes : 1.4062335e-14
tables : 1.3582658e-14
signature : 1.5901407e-14
hong : 1.4393563e-14
kong : 1.567415e-14
photographic : 1.37662725e-14
kongs : 1.6409676e-14
youll : 1.4999602e-14
kowloon : 1.3733018e-14
causeway : 1.2789501e-14
tucked : 1.5340963e-14
jade : 1.3527795e-14
bargains : 1.5194834e-14
hkta : 1.3450404e-14
tsim : 1.4147915e-14
sha : 1.473973e-14
tsui : 1.3344561e-14
nathan : 1.6345576e-14
malls : 1.449127e-14
terminal : 1.4283893e-14
mall : 1.5450877e-14
crafts : 1.566593e-14
silk : 1.3068669e-14
merchandise : 1.4924519e-14
antiques : 1.4905345e-14
mid-levels : 1.6421575e-14
porcelain : 1.4466167e-14
carvings : 1.4748167e-14
silks : 1.703725e-14
embroidered : 1.6220694e-14
lan : 1.4239718e-14
kwai : 1.35823995e-14
carpets : 1.6177684e-14
caravan : 1.4863045e-14
tourists : 1.2707097e-14
chung : 1.354344e-14
chai : 1.4675715e-14
lamp : 1.3354339e-14
locally : 1.5067645e-14
musical : 1.5161165e-14
labels : 1.3705909e-14
moderately : 3.8782462e-16
trendy : 1.7089583e-14
moon : 1.4734616e-14
vibrant : 1.3940557e-14
nightlife : 1.3914047e-14
concerts : 1.4235182e-14
amateur : 1.4627536e-14
dose : 1.4275016e-14
theaters : 1.3619211e-14
performances : 1.6012894e-14
tin : 1.6731e-14
elizabeth : 1.57172e-14
puppet : 1.3397583e-14
cultured : 1.4660943e-14
hk : 1.34776765e-14
clubs : 1.5149169e-14
lounge : 1.2627896e-14
pubs : 1.5241363e-14
tours : 1.4756693e-14
cruises : 1.5373358e-14
victoria : 1.4175061e-14
beaches : 1.4400758e-14
swim : 1.3329502e-14
cheung : 1.5382893e-14
chau : 1.33397525e-14
lantau : 1.53252e-14
ye : 1.428264e-14
lamma : 1.5002263e-14
guangzhou : 1.3654557e-14
sailors : 1.3079317e-14
hau : 1.5745463e-14
racing : 1.4320285e-14
enclosure : 1.5321693e-14
cricket : 1.4709091e-14
trams : 1.4667992e-14
rides : 1.3841996e-14
dublin : 1.3640501e-14
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elegant : 1.483608e-14
recycled : 1.5268421e-14
liffey : 1.5569328e-14
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modernism : 1.5063048e-14
rivers : 1.4307643e-14
vienna : 1.5951438e-14
gardens : 1.3434764e-14
recreation : 1.3937793e-14
tara : 1.3910544e-14
dart : 1.4369916e-14
twenty-five : 1.41582e-14
rub : 1.5564459e-14
shoulders : 1.33190315e-14
republic : 1.587592e-14
chinas : 1.5844398e-14
know-how : 1.3763175e-14
flower : 1.3901818e-14
buses : 1.4361642e-14
sidewalk : 1.3378251e-14
shui : 1.3706955e-14
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macau : 1.3973195e-14
sightseeing : 1.4143031e-14
junks : 1.5232819e-14
skyscrapers : 1.567122e-14
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sailor : 1.4233364e-14
nearer : 1.5454001e-14
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pei : 1.5394163e-14
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reclamation : 1.5730154e-14
deserted : 1.4876006e-14
stained : 1.5284012e-14
winding : 1.2905136e-14
cotton : 1.4980874e-14
steep : 1.5812758e-14
bamboo : 1.3955668e-14
mansion : 1.4050646e-14
ampm : 1.410034e-14
chattering : 1.3405532e-14
strand : 1.4598994e-14
herb : 1.4134725e-14
incense : 1.4200227e-14
seals : 1.3397812e-14
ceramics : 1.3621522e-14
confronted : 1.4189911e-14
donation : 1.5225848e-14
laboratory : 1.486157e-14
poured : 1.3818728e-14
adjacent : 1.4861938e-14
mile : 1.5001777e-14
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noon : 1.4737425e-14
shore : 1.597933e-14
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aw : 1.3378457e-14
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bites : 1.5153533e-14
proudly : 1.4031096e-14
folk : 1.365698e-14
cats : 1.3865407e-14
cages : 1.5584361e-14
driver : 1.4509829e-14
linking : 1.3798554e-14
whales : 1.6555896e-14
scenes : 1.6435519e-14
lined : 1.578603e-14
density : 1.513213e-14
inhabitants : 1.4878588e-14
promenade : 1.5354107e-14
faade : 1.4828443e-14
sculpture : 1.6610426e-14
daytime : 1.4274225e-14
hats : 1.5365649e-14
curtains : 1.32355615e-14
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nearest : 1.5167875e-14
shenzhen : 1.351838e-14
lookout : 1.5117676e-14
rent : 1.4249717e-14
binoculars : 1.545571e-14
milepost : 1.4207053e-14
pines : 1.37083135e-14
spacious : 1.487802e-14
wai : 1.4521428e-14
brick : 1.4586499e-14
ancestral : 1.4562478e-14
belonging : 1.4773674e-14
up-to-date : 1.37965014e-14
buddha : 1.6603362e-14
leaf : 1.4438878e-14
pile : 1.5138164e-14
lion : 1.4526776e-14
excursion : 1.6221933e-14
pleasant : 1.4071511e-14
aboard : 1.4025583e-14
seated : 1.4427975e-14
stirring : 1.466044e-14
portugals : 1.3648048e-14
macaus : 1.3881946e-14
pearl : 1.4279834e-14
relax : 1.5689642e-14
isolated : 1.3975594e-14
thrive : 1.518843e-14
avenida : 1.4316542e-14
avenue : 1.5139953e-14
banyan : 1.3571729e-14
symbols : 1.326584e-14
beneath : 1.429365e-14
overview : 1.4004947e-14
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countrys : 1.3141156e-14
cemetery : 1.3612691e-14
arched : 1.4054344e-14
faithful : 1.39979504e-14
canton : 1.4607517e-14
pavilion : 1.442924e-14
ashore : 1.3928757e-14
ornate : 1.5933071e-14
saint : 1.546559e-14
barrier : 1.2828297e-14
fitted : 1.3812352e-14
dice : 1.7615795e-14
taipa : 1.4471245e-14
brazil : 1.28805946e-14
elbow : 1.4333729e-14
beautifully : 1.5469395e-14
lush : 1.5432498e-14
fertile : 1.4179874e-14
guangzhous : 1.4806736e-14
heroic : 1.2670188e-14
tile : 1.3839884e-14
rode : 1.57567e-14
ci : 1.6474217e-14
carved : 1.4261626e-14
bats : 1.32188106e-14
goldfish : 1.4380336e-14
foshan : 1.3273179e-14
clustered : 1.345646e-14
dtv : 1.5098256e-14
premium : 1.3667378e-14
youd : 1.5285467e-14
cables : 1.67561e-14
rewarding : 1.4938188e-14
highlights : 1.482047e-14
sail : 1.34974344e-14
mercer : 1.5182464e-14
goodwill's : 1.3995653e-14
fulfilling : 1.3817621e-14
self-confidence : 1.41719784e-14
envelope : 1.5050813e-14
cci : 1.3732861e-14
neighborhood-based : 1.3737996e-14
multi-service : 1.40639445e-14
counseling : 1.6279397e-14
alaska : 1.4363888e-14
same-day : 1.3851344e-14
land-and-shoot : 1.3718331e-14
alaskas : 1.473304e-14
anti-wolf : 1.4705752e-14
outrun : 1.4454199e-14
alaskans : 1.4022106e-14
advisory : 1.2875167e-14
manages : 1.4604064e-14
farm : 1.4575067e-14
self-sufficiency : 1.3817042e-14
habitats : 1.3658361e-14
tissues : 1.5074257e-14
poisoning : 1.37157945e-14
unnecessarily : 1.4905288e-14
tax-deductible : 1.2892072e-14
nesting : 1.3520108e-14
debris : 1.3887056e-14
sanctuaries : 1.4333346e-14
subscription : 1.3683758e-14
canvas : 1.348269e-14
appalachian : 1.4260864e-14
pine : 1.4577235e-14
amcs : 1.4898183e-14
canoe : 1.3212458e-14
amc : 1.3998671e-14
oriented : 1.430336e-14
abundance : 1.5520583e-14
indianapolis : 1.4635294e-14
preschool : 1.3455947e-14
shapes : 1.3168155e-14
bred : 1.3683523e-14
foundations : 1.3825531e-14
lab : 1.4968505e-14
volunteer : 1.6869459e-14
astro : 1.3854224e-14
puddle : 1.4420932e-14
neglect : 1.3949123e-14
aspca : 1.4644788e-14
astros : 1.3000275e-14
humane : 1.4197519e-14
knelt : 1.3892435e-14
gently : 1.3392345e-14
kitten : 1.4304587e-14
pushes : 1.3672932e-14
tide : 1.6382656e-14
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wetlands : 1.4017828e-14
chorus : 1.486554e-14
enjoyment : 1.6473871e-14
nwf : 1.40770405e-14
invitations : 1.3503357e-14
volunteers : 1.4828159e-14
ext : 1.4644593e-14
jameson : 1.6096858e-14
lastname : 1.7113982e-14
wet : 1.4770716e-14
holidays : 1.297788e-14
tags : 1.3837296e-14
campers : 1.6309296e-14
overcome : 1.36582835e-14
mcclelland : 1.4093483e-14
mccoy : 1.5720618e-14
not-for-profit : 1.4465505e-14
pressing : 1.4405262e-14
competent : 1.3833655e-14
commitments : 1.4492513e-14
forests : 1.5130428e-14
conserve : 1.41019525e-14
cranes : 1.4977103e-14
proliferation : 1.469347e-14
fuller : 1.4338321e-14
matching : 1.4773056e-14
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wrapping : 1.554986e-14
youve : 1.4394717e-14
rick : 1.421383e-14
inspire : 1.3955377e-14
montana : 1.7141687e-14
hsus : 1.6033246e-14
fur : 1.3840042e-14
stopping : 1.4941778e-14
copies : 1.2784623e-14
charleston : 1.5426318e-14
jcc : 1.4768379e-14
o'keeffe : 1.31572575e-14
scs : 1.3846853e-14
enclosing : 1.4407515e-14
supporter : 1.2823869e-14
packet : 1.369927e-14
evenings : 1.3666388e-14
graduate : 1.4964624e-14
doses : 1.3948378e-14
usda : 1.5456476e-14
migrating : 1.3500961e-14
blackbirds : 1.4088e-14
audubon : 1.40915484e-14
usdas : 1.5208026e-14
doesnt : 1.5043007e-14
arent : 1.4822221e-14
sparrow : 1.5487936e-14
audubons : 1.2728491e-14
prevail : 1.4485329e-14
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warmth : 1.4215593e-14
unstable : 1.453473e-14
passionate : 1.3871808e-14
gesture : 1.4928619e-14
self-esteem : 1.504872e-14
havent : 1.5271741e-14
huts : 1.3550029e-14
shouldnt : 1.5992138e-14
clouds : 1.5114334e-14
scenery : 1.4449071e-14
frozen : 1.3497691e-14
bald : 1.3635014e-14
geological : 1.3903196e-14
rhythms : 1.5181595e-14
torn : 1.38121936e-14
alcoholic : 1.4528882e-14
devised : 1.2672195e-14
deformation : 1.4155931e-14
alluvial : 1.4391915e-14
tectonic : 1.5787656e-14
faulting : 1.5238223e-14
tilting : 1.3679896e-14
lateral : 1.5673313e-14
vertical : 1.430677e-14
upstream : 1.36327505e-14
steepened : 1.4067217e-14
horst : 1.3035086e-14
graben : 1.5797807e-14
basins : 1.4909269e-14
tilted : 1.3097492e-14
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floodplain : 1.4463684e-14
steepening : 1.5378668e-14
aggradation : 1.4652388e-14
elevation : 1.3553466e-14
displacements : 1.40946655e-14
null : 1.3102438e-14
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sediment : 1.3373099e-14
alt : 1.5476773e-14
simplest : 1.6800134e-14
tilt : 1.430265e-14
sinuous : 1.3993625e-14
meandering : 1.4727169e-14
braided : 1.4514782e-14
schumm : 1.3921612e-14
kahn : 1.4207705e-14
suspended-load : 1.4746086e-14
mixed-load : 1.4476105e-14
bed-load : 1.2802681e-14
discharge : 1.3708628e-14
meander : 1.4959517e-14
sinuosity : 1.5841771e-14
abruptly : 1.3269459e-14
flume : 1.39041255e-14
tributary : 1.423836e-14
tectonics : 1.5838264e-14
anastomosing : 1.5265133e-14
uplift : 1.4649313e-14
deformed : 1.362412e-14
terraces : 1.4636075e-14
dendritic : 1.5094512e-14
isostatic : 1.5650848e-14
incision : 1.3933222e-14
chattahoochee : 1.2723855e-14
subsidence : 1.406872e-14
asymmetrical : 1.4233282e-14
asymmetry : 1.4630326e-14
basin : 1.523767e-14
ria : 1.3751261e-14
axis : 1.4984475e-14
trunk : 1.3671654e-14
maran : 1.5203821e-14
dumont : 1.5149572e-14
superimposed : 1.3414229e-14
kyoga : 1.463806e-14
ne : 1.4059492e-14
trunks : 1.39970416e-14
rises : 1.3061393e-14
longitudinal : 2.480761e-09
horizontal : 1.28716795e-14
indicators : 1.3422163e-14
variability : 1.493104e-14
baselevel : 1.3347107e-14
fallacy : 1.4034227e-14
ab : 1.3511884e-14
equation : 1.2683245e-14
adjusted : 3.6181827e-10
valley-floor : 1.4303249e-14
decreasing : 1.5905319e-14
bedrock : 1.336239e-14
meanders : 1.4590253e-14
encounters : 1.3910066e-14
boundaryless : 1.3746987e-14
define : 1.6722194e-14
anarchy : 1.4504184e-14
emergent : 1.27932096e-14
rousseau : 1.5071325e-14
micro-level : 1.2942679e-14
behaviour : 1.5590307e-14
organising : 1.3835819e-14
weicks : 1.4732984e-14
framed : 1.3496816e-14
weick : 1.4390268e-14
lens : 1.4054291e-14
conception : 1.3466397e-14
sensemaking : 1.4592563e-14
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evolves : 1.5041516e-14
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behave : 1.494292e-14
cues : 1.34306645e-14
ambiguity : 1.3703505e-14
codes : 1.3556388e-14
unfolding : 1.4951671e-14
illustrate : 1.4885628e-14
saxenian : 1.3968931e-14
hewlett : 1.4188314e-14
slate : 1.328141e-14
engineer : 1.6692526e-14
loses : 1.401307e-14
wagon : 1.3485854e-14
high-technology : 1.3780984e-14
tacit : 1.374759e-14
organizational : 1.365724e-14
film-making : 1.5413201e-14
project-based : 1.47728e-14
binds : 1.4984189e-14
ropes : 1.4828047e-14
communion : 1.5709737e-14
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parker : 1.2129962e-14
feminine : 1.42071074e-14
masculine : 1.485715e-14
reciprocity : 1.5909506e-14
logic : 1.5952717e-14
sons : 1.3676608e-14
semantics : 1.479189e-14
darkness : 1.4580407e-14
swung : 1.6527468e-14
scattered : 1.3174208e-14
meadow : 1.38360824e-14
manipulate : 1.4826858e-14
intentionality : 1.4386372e-14
bacterium : 1.560417e-14
glucose : 1.4233743e-14
extract : 1.4135965e-14
biosphere : 1.5963491e-14
mutation : 1.38382475e-14
eagerly : 1.3068695e-14
gaze : 1.5474707e-14
catalysis : 1.5577793e-14
doings : 1.4124618e-14
molecule : 1.5795999e-14
yuck : 1.4729893e-14
yum : 1.5458776e-14
darwinian : 1.2911365e-14
signified : 1.38235e-14
chemistry : 1.5688387e-14
nucleotides : 1.38727336e-14
rna : 1.3921692e-14
amino : 1.4266903e-14
acids : 1.5487996e-14
protein : 1.3268193e-14
molecules : 1.3721969e-14
enzymes : 1.4274198e-14
dierent : 1.3403307e-14
enzyme : 1.4887332e-14
catalytic : 1.3957906e-14
metabolite : 1.594809e-14
metabolites : 1.4897216e-14
shannon's : 1.4556786e-14
bowl : 1.5742341e-14
ducked : 1.4176277e-14
deduce : 1.4607295e-14
dennett : 1.59722e-14
popperian : 1.5689344e-14
creature : 1.4965166e-14
nervous : 1.3598729e-14
ligand : 1.5015717e-14
stimulus : 1.5865991e-14
synthesis : 1.39682924e-14
immune : 1.4614764e-14
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antibody : 1.4148427e-14
beast : 1.278733e-14
comedy : 1.452359e-14
hume : 1.328478e-14
hume's : 1.3194175e-14
injunction : 1.5169439e-14
twisted : 1.5855281e-14
harvard : 1.36664395e-14
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ligands : 1.2343632e-14
zoot : 1.32376825e-14
pachucos : 1.35723765e-14
baggy : 1.4112959e-14
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ankles : 1.4115704e-14
zoot-suiters : 1.515703e-14
valdez : 1.417552e-14
sanchez : 1.306685e-14
zozobra : 1.32198685e-14
fiesta : 1.2675555e-14
gloom : 1.5780429e-14
tall : 1.41638715e-14
pole : 1.5244154e-14
billings : 1.5120792e-14
architects : 1.3883031e-14
mckim : 1.373163e-14
carrre : 1.4300303e-14
hastings : 1.3515003e-14
corinthian : 1.447696e-14
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eclectic : 1.2986744e-14
ornament : 1.29023065e-14
cram : 1.4187827e-14
classicism : 1.6113846e-14
mies : 1.3855254e-14
der : 1.36438585e-14
layout : 1.3783114e-14
composition : 1.4654288e-14
corbusier : 1.5346114e-14
roof : 1.39721295e-14
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lutyens : 1.5226312e-14
delhi : 1.4014726e-14
mouse : 1.4119258e-14
shingle : 1.41169425e-14
palladio : 1.4140981e-14
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lighter : 1.3487372e-14
rustic : 1.4073443e-14
firmly : 1.4179035e-14
palladian : 1.5389494e-14
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lean : 1.5977411e-14
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railing : 1.4770125e-14
functionally : 1.4780439e-14
venturi : 1.4270767e-14
fireplace : 1.6051545e-14
guggenheim : 1.439672e-14
jacobsen : 1.4489584e-14
norten : 1.3769108e-14
nod : 1.4409658e-14
slide : 1.480764e-14
shack : 1.42351e-14
pitched : 1.496551e-14
sliding : 1.3398375e-14
brace : 1.4258063e-14
bare : 1.3761469e-14
slides : 1.5269238e-14
uncomfortable : 1.445486e-14
dislike : 1.5308897e-14
gehry : 1.3920099e-14
asheville : 1.40900695e-14
sharply : 1.21737905e-14
hollow : 1.4673084e-14
replaces : 1.475475e-14
lighting : 1.5659388e-14
metallic : 1.4002168e-14
gleaming : 1.3555793e-14
housewife : 1.4441246e-14
seedbombing : 1.404534e-14
shed : 1.2321756e-14
handfuls : 1.6013381e-14
gloves : 1.4859868e-14
seedbombs : 1.4512902e-14
scent : 1.3962699e-14
raggedy : 1.4708109e-14
rust : 1.3962299e-14
pistol : 1.514735e-14
nicole : 1.5096556e-14
bottles : 1.589519e-14
astonished : 1.4248683e-14
sink : 1.32482916e-14
lumpy : 1.4914046e-14
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pulling : 1.431919e-14
bikes : 1.3048892e-14
tbr : 1.5472465e-14
calculate : 1.3021543e-14
jar : 1.3267535e-14
basket : 1.30349375e-14
injuries : 1.3544783e-14
david's : 1.41296564e-14
truro : 1.3451609e-14
hay : 1.7419002e-14
compost : 1.4558924e-14
pressed : 1.2847936e-14
hooves : 1.4324272e-14
seltzer : 1.4360109e-14
circadian : 1.5412906e-14
homeostatic : 1.30848565e-14
pdf : 1.5002034e-14
melatonin : 1.4583077e-14
meals : 1.5220272e-14
mg : 1.33962276e-14
placebo : 1.3830647e-14
awoke : 1.4419006e-14
laughs : 1.291102e-14
o'donnell's : 1.426032e-14
palin : 1.4677843e-14
o'donnell : 1.3391859e-14
coons : 1.4985102e-14
clip : 1.4968392e-14
elding : 1.6888616e-14
hears : 1.4788167e-14
clueless : 1.3498464e-14
pea : 1.4002784e-14
whispering : 1.4859416e-14
crap : 1.4740462e-14
pounding : 1.412901e-14
font : 1.3885627e-14
forums : 1.5931158e-14
mrbrink : 1.589716e-14
incredulously : 1.4223105e-14
knocking : 1.5443747e-14
gasps : 1.3857845e-14
lexaburn : 1.4335697e-14
foolish : 1.4711251e-14
ain't : 1.4646325e-14
staring : 1.4468761e-14
dumb : 1.437611e-14
aiming : 1.4847234e-14
atheist : 1.4056703e-14
faded : 1.5041288e-14
roommate : 1.373632e-14
khenpo : 1.3434559e-14
kalsang : 1.4970706e-14
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ani : 1.4768434e-14
kunga : 1.5743242e-14
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footprint : 1.4510105e-14
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elevator : 1.4155608e-14
remembering : 1.521113e-14
tagged : 1.660409e-14
who'd : 1.2933794e-14
grandpa : 1.4904607e-14
smoked : 1.4590364e-14
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allah : 1.4039314e-14
urbino : 1.46049e-14
upstairs : 1.4115354e-14
exits : 1.3348991e-14
hallway : 1.4396089e-14
dueling : 1.562475e-14
snapped : 1.490091e-14
nods : 1.4629628e-14
wife's : 1.5146077e-14
self-control : 1.535317e-14
self-efficacy : 1.3267409e-14
mukhopadhyay : 1.4787291e-14
venkatarmani : 1.418431e-14
malleable : 1.4597044e-14
passages : 1.5650489e-14
zombies : 1.5327742e-14
vampires : 1.5555584e-14
ninjas : 1.4868432e-14
blade : 1.4110966e-14
lebron : 1.4479695e-14
wholesalers : 1.451088e-14
wholesaler : 1.3865962e-14
wishing : 1.379124e-14
out-of-state : 1.3457486e-14
shippers : 1.7205823e-14
wineries : 1.40518785e-14
winery : 1.4140253e-14
crow : 1.5576218e-14
shout : 1.5253081e-14
johnlopresti : 1.37266805e-14
crush : 1.3805899e-14
juice : 1.5071527e-14
varsity : 1.3893202e-14
athletics : 1.4206268e-14
athletes : 1.2593812e-14
athlete : 1.4285419e-14
carolyn : 1.2917351e-14
academics : 1.3092471e-14
tupelo : 1.41185036e-14
chicken : 1.4507062e-14
conjunctive : 1.4518079e-14
labeling : 1.4017534e-14
vintners : 1.3605994e-14
ava : 1.4399e-14
avas : 1.4601806e-14
sacramento : 1.4573815e-14
yada : 1.46499e-14
tgi : 1.4513649e-14
woody : 1.471504e-14
poof : 1.22293185e-14
stovohobo : 1.3500987e-14
prequels : 1.4891649e-14
sequels : 1.36348045e-14
nanowrimo : 1.5155093e-14
ch : 1.4280134e-14
cheek : 1.6322337e-14
grandma : 1.5089331e-14
kissed : 1.4028954e-14
yo : 1.2782624e-14
theo : 1.6140885e-14
hadnt : 1.3130758e-14
karon : 1.535563e-14
lucy : 1.3811561e-14
eros : 1.4990421e-14
psyche : 1.2677586e-14
canadianwriter : 1.2930563e-14
tossed : 1.4624105e-14
sequel : 1.5795818e-14
rang : 1.5419493e-14
intently : 1.5725385e-14
pianista : 1.640664e-14
irlandesa : 1.5241304e-14
tapping : 1.3076873e-14
shrugged : 1.4593593e-14
bud : 1.4921786e-14
mister : 1.3341685e-14
annoyed : 1.4524946e-14
breathed : 1.603132e-14
eross : 1.5596077e-14
murmured : 1.30613175e-14
wrinkles : 1.5503512e-14
eternity : 1.3213769e-14
immortal : 1.2829374e-14
nodded : 1.4854939e-14
nervously : 1.5305511e-14
penguincaptain : 1.3824054e-14
tear : 1.4705781e-14
fairy : 1.4224624e-14
immense : 1.4208869e-14
sadness : 1.4427754e-14
theyd : 1.4318699e-14
screaming : 1.329989e-14
werent : 1.39814596e-14
yelled : 1.3915506e-14
muttered : 1.4158875e-14
jake : 1.2892687e-14
eyebrow : 1.4349375e-14
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cheeks : 1.3394594e-14
spine : 1.5739278e-14
splashing : 1.5754447e-14
thyme : 1.550091e-14
frown : 1.4408257e-14
seth : 1.5114735e-14
compromises : 1.4246129e-14
diviner : 1.4876006e-14
music-hearted : 1.3405327e-14
shiny : 1.468162e-14
rope : 1.4936137e-14
demosthenes : 1.3981246e-14
jerked : 1.5832255e-14
sofia : 1.4924519e-14
rolls : 1.3346037e-14
elbows : 1.4214373e-14
wrap : 1.4492183e-14
lips : 1.2204944e-14
smiling : 1.474288e-14
chest : 1.5471462e-14
woozy : 1.5196137e-14
spun : 1.3444812e-14
sucked : 1.41791155e-14
compilation : 1.4515365e-14
fluffy : 1.4498099e-14
pale : 1.4918144e-14
cardiovascular : 2.366092e-10
leaned : 1.3572973e-14
hiding : 1.4648979e-14
calvin : 1.557399e-14
echoed : 1.4520017e-14
lovinglife : 1.41183706e-14
hed : 1.4800017e-14
nose : 1.634779e-14
stares : 1.5405852e-14
adelle : 1.5832194e-14
ahhh : 1.3733359e-14
gianna : 1.351271e-14
whispered : 1.4910748e-14
jared : 1.5572713e-14
ficlet : 1.3488992e-14
ow : 1.40862265e-14
marzark : 1.5286548e-14
mackizme : 1.524738e-14
owen : 1.2690166e-14
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pathway : 1.4290544e-14
strode : 1.421768e-14
bonfire : 1.4116081e-14
jeans : 1.5176962e-14
archie : 1.6081176e-14
wilber : 1.4649511e-14
panties : 1.5272907e-14
alias : 1.3757137e-14
slime : 1.36845415e-14
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slid : 1.7156307e-14
stared : 1.4692491e-14
numbered : 1.2818416e-14
glances : 1.426625e-14
brow : 1.3236673e-14
button : 1.4573066e-14
hes : 1.4047376e-14
blinked : 1.4330175e-14
yells : 1.33377924e-14
slams : 1.3838827e-14
yelling : 1.4297659e-14
blusparrow : 1.4156579e-14
janice : 1.5066871e-14
janices : 1.4142168e-14
kyle : 1.5040884e-14
sweat : 1.8039218e-14
amber : 1.466648e-14
replies : 1.2818319e-14
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draped : 1.2806612e-14
jeffery : 1.4740967e-14
beg : 1.2821619e-14
bella : 1.277709e-14
greyhem : 1.4197735e-14
chased : 1.4196707e-14
robe : 1.3674601e-14
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clipboard : 1.5240955e-14
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bonesetter : 1.492953e-14
frowned : 1.418853e-14
ipsum : 1.3891587e-14
dolor : 1.5981984e-14
amet : 1.3893361e-14
sed : 1.3360097e-14
erat : 1.5181624e-14
nulla : 1.49517e-14
eget : 1.3660001e-14
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shes : 1.5233108e-14
todd : 1.5117216e-14
waved : 1.4980703e-14
grabs : 1.570024e-14
amazement : 1.4480604e-14
den : 1.4146646e-14
flashed : 1.3450045e-14
whistle : 1.4908046e-14
moses : 1.4478148e-14
despair : 1.5231802e-14
spouse : 1.4527108e-14
typetitlethe : 1.3440557e-14
skydiving : 1.4319028e-14
squat : 1.5303495e-14
vodka : 1.5030215e-14
smelled : 1.4163331e-14
multiply : 1.346601e-14
rite : 1.4028206e-14
hermit : 1.3483823e-14
jumps : 1.3695325e-14
tonto : 1.4910008e-14
cowboy : 1.4868149e-14
kursk : 1.387808e-14
sank : 1.4476601e-14
torpedo : 1.481394e-14
seaman : 1.4604313e-14
reboot : 1.4303715e-14
aye : 1.33749865e-14
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doomed : 1.5400682e-14
starboard : 1.3788399e-14
slammed : 1.3345579e-14
policeman : 1.4807725e-14
sadie : 1.5185591e-14
saucer : 1.4627592e-14
proprietor : 1.4514894e-14
mice : 1.3464469e-14
typetitlea : 1.3371492e-14
mace : 1.5043209e-14
mechanic : 1.5263939e-14
paradox : 1.5712043e-14
cholesterol : 8.968091e-11
whatsamatta : 1.5738079e-14
tray : 1.5561193e-14
stool : 1.3044239e-14
cakes : 1.26890525e-14
ale : 1.4308189e-14
organ : 1.3489506e-14
pig : 1.4306688e-14
childbirth : 1.3653308e-14
fisherman : 1.5640225e-14
robbed : 1.6433073e-14
cannibals : 1.2838945e-14
aggi : 1.34022085e-14
goat : 1.4568508e-14
toast : 1.4494006e-14
slaps : 1.436493e-14
grinned : 1.3275003e-14
coffin : 1.458647e-14
dialed : 1.4553981e-14
bow : 1.6190898e-14
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prayed : 1.4238414e-14
rowboat : 1.2981692e-14
rabbits : 1.3755617e-14
limb : 1.3392294e-14
cheque : 1.5211856e-14
calculations : 6.4550903e-07
communicated : 1.4207785e-14
donkey : 1.3677599e-14
shovel : 1.4120228e-14
spotted : 1.4506701e-14
bartender : 1.5787564e-14
ape : 1.4195894e-14
panty : 1.4094047e-14
'er : 1.3639486e-14
glared : 1.4740714e-14
sneeze : 1.44908e-14
ashes : 1.3233214e-14
leopard : 1.4419887e-14
halts : 1.4092031e-14
pans : 1.5713003e-14
arrow : 1.2387926e-14
closes : 1.555772e-14
impulse : 1.483195e-14
proportional : 6.8253105e-11
ski : 1.4239827e-14
melvin : 1.4115166e-14
puzzled : 1.4232007e-14
prefix : 1.3423647e-14
stored : 1.5278035e-14
lighted : 1.3686055e-14
djs : 1.5433028e-14
pews : 1.4312775e-14
glanced : 1.4905202e-14
velvet : 1.4406884e-14
nepthys : 1.3841019e-14
bark : 1.3551114e-14
claws : 1.4016972e-14
hunchback : 1.41044005e-14
dvorov : 1.5943042e-14
dvorovs : 1.36078376e-14
cart : 1.564846e-14
slave : 1.23935515e-14
leech : 1.33326035e-14
isis : 1.5512238e-14
liquid : 1.30674475e-14
twitched : 1.4461863e-14
hoped : 1.4770743e-14
stakes : 1.5274715e-14
strobe : 1.4482981e-14
tentacles : 1.4335943e-14
cage : 1.3384326e-14
statistically : 1.4570375e-17
wreck : 1.4537613e-14
lightscreen : 1.477993e-14
plates : 1.4813403e-14
sarah's : 1.4275341e-14
couches : 1.3820336e-14
kishori : 1.4992165e-14
adrienne : 1.440529e-14
captain's : 1.4266278e-14
cohort : 1.4346914e-10
ninety-nine : 1.3840807e-14
exchanged : 1.3367183e-14
sideways : 1.5402003e-14
spears : 1.4033076e-14
arrallin : 1.38835874e-14
willow : 1.5547783e-14
lantern : 1.527416e-14
lantern's : 1.4686831e-14
skeleton : 1.4574706e-14
muscle : 1.2548925e-14
allan's : 1.3649219e-14
arthur's : 1.3683889e-14
unhealthy : 8.343519e-12
morbidity : 2.9215386e-10
wisest : 1.4392958e-14
probation : 1.6671748e-14
spear : 1.5112372e-14
thorndike : 1.41067146e-14
isaacs : 1.4819904e-14
flung : 1.43737e-14
prisoners : 1.320208e-14
stopbox : 1.5236073e-14
capturador : 1.4745973e-14
stopboxes : 1.574135e-14
mindwipe : 1.3215332e-14
vega : 1.5105543e-14
tasha : 1.3618975e-14
cortez : 1.370753e-14
flynn : 1.5042434e-14
bernardo : 1.5658073e-14
tasha's : 1.4458774e-14
malaquez : 1.5406382e-14
imbalance : 1.4938217e-14
accents : 1.4277682e-14
interchange : 1.2882732e-14
nardo : 1.3646434e-14
emil : 1.53568e-14
malaquez's : 1.3148151e-14
rica : 1.33253826e-14
malcolm : 1.33418125e-14
horatio : 1.3726996e-14
cont'd : 1.34567675e-14
marines : 1.495655e-14
dinosaurs : 1.3402771e-14
t-rexes : 1.3049863e-14
t-rex : 1.5017149e-14
ingen : 1.513418e-14
spinosaur : 1.3522739e-14
isla : 1.4537864e-14
sorna : 1.38114296e-14
hammond : 1.668842e-14
roland : 1.3452432e-14
tembo : 1.4208301e-14
rexes : 1.2826634e-14
cpl : 1.4288609e-14
townsend : 1.498819e-14
sattler : 1.4649482e-14
ellie : 1.3558844e-14
lysine : 1.5143016e-14
roland's : 1.4693863e-14
ernst : 1.38542776e-14
tambala : 1.32376825e-14
melina : 1.5966901e-14
lt : 1.36104845e-14
brannigan : 1.5575149e-14
rowing : 1.4601195e-14
manacles : 1.2212396e-14
swann : 1.3905954e-14
cutler : 1.339587e-14
norrington : 1.3639825e-14
oar : 1.4776803e-14
gibbs' : 1.4899603e-14
jack's : 1.3911287e-14
cotton's : 1.5276346e-14
awk : 1.2798481e-14
snarls : 1.2918632e-14
crewman : 1.3926153e-14
unlocks : 1.5093763e-14
will's : 1.4036663e-14
marque : 1.4158254e-14
upside-down : 1.5321925e-14
bootstrap : 1.32394e-14
crab : 1.3748848e-14
dutchman : 1.2627318e-14
mast : 1.2489707e-14
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aer : 1.4924177e-14
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placodes : 1.4175385e-14
mrna : 1.32291e-14
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pge : 1.1713384e-14
txa : 1.3920311e-14
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cox- : 1.3897152e-14
hf-ipf : 1.5616794e-14
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serum : 5.0692046e-13
dmem : 1.3968718e-14
txb : 1.4240152e-14
pgf : 1.5516973e-14
il- : 1.3601323e-14
incubation : 1.4994538e-14
trimethylsilyl : 1.4306251e-14
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gel : 1.471748e-14
membrane : 1.2597104e-14
tgf : 1.461337e-14
vascular : 4.9898637e-16
cardiac : 1.504473e-14
hydrolyze : 1.3613002e-14
divalent : 1.5261726e-14
cations : 1.4541746e-14
e-ntpdase : 1.39132505e-14
ntpdases : 1.4472847e-14
acr : 1.4995055e-14
residues : 1.5782477e-14
phosphate : 1.4743498e-14
vanadyl : 1.566865e-14
cofactor : 1.4113551e-14
equatorial : 1.4141331e-14
tensors : 1.4906142e-14
epr : 1.4190425e-14
vo : 1.3266801e-14
soluble : 1.5729224e-14
atp : 1.3559983e-14
adp : 1.5086797e-14
purified : 1.3827904e-14
nucleotidase : 1.4714563e-14
scd : 1.3904231e-14
adpnp : 1.306523e-14
spectra : 1.4082788e-14
mhz : 1.5197645e-14
carboxyl : 1.5074229e-14
oxygens : 1.456773e-14
hydroxyl : 1.4089773e-14
hydrolysis : 1.4591144e-14
phosphates : 1.5364915e-14
conformations : 1.4613453e-14
conformation : 1.35284655e-14
annan : 1.4627146e-14
unesco : 1.3770264e-14
sci : 1.379508e-14
ricyt : 1.4501307e-14
averaged : 5.898597e-14
ecological : 1.4461973e-14
statins : 1.4468155e-14
coronary : 1.2429156e-14
myocardial : 1.3684097e-14
infarction : 1.445916e-14
revascularization : 1.4107307e-14
lipid-lowering : 1.5685695e-14
incremental : 1.3963711e-14
ischemia : 1.4152476e-14
miracl : 1.51073e-14
atorvastatin : 1.3983299e-14
mgdl : 1.5000432e-14
rehospitalization : 1.4568479e-14
worsening : 1.3476983e-14
endpoints : 1.447928e-14
lipid : 1.5310591e-14
lipoprotein : 1.3669072e-14
ldl : 1.4424536e-14
statin : 1.3786531e-14
a--z : 1.3740905e-14
simvastatin : 1.4133862e-14
bmi : 3.1721308e-07
covariates : 2.8345248e-06
yhl : 2.2330545e-07
yol : 9.993053e-11
obesity : 1.3501665e-09
evgfp : 6.1830607e-09
unintended : 4.6785384e-09
sizes : 2.5699578e-07
obese : 1.9368318e-07
<???> : 2.919577e-05
Prediction: some of them looks like et
